Sunday, February 14, 2016

Tumblr Inspired Rainbow Cookies

Aren't they just spectacular?!
This is not a stock photo, this is the actual cookies I took out my oven!!

What you need:
Sugar cookie mix or recipe
Food coloring

What to do:
  1. Mix the sugar cookie dough according to whichever recipe you are following.
  2. Separate the dough into four equal balls.
  3. Add the different food coloring colors to each and knead until well mixed.
  4. From each color take a small amount and roll into a ball.  Ideally you want to make each one the size of a grape
  5. Take one of the small balls of each color and roll it together.  It'll resemble a beach ball.
  6. Roll that ball out into a strip about 6 inches long.  I found that the colors mixed better if you twist while rolling it out.
  7. Roll that strip up so it creates a circle.
  8. Bake for 10-13 minutes at 350 degrees and enjoy!!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

5 Hacks (tips) for Staying Awake!

The other night Oxy (my dog) sang the song of his peoples and subsequently only fell asleep around 5 am.  He actually was barking at the cat that sat outside my window all night.  Either way, I was running on barely 2 hours of sleep and had to get through my workday without completely losing my shit.  So in honor, I am bringing you 5 of my hacks for staying awake throughout the day!

  1.  Caffeine: Obviously I am going to tell you drink some caffeine.  But did you know about 2 cups of coffee will give you as much alertness as possible for throughout the day?  So if you think drinking a cup an hour is a great idea, try again.  If you're not much of a coffee drinker, then just smelling coffee will stimulate your brain.
  2. Stimulate your senses:  Having a piece of gum or some mint will stimulate your mouth.  Following along with that, keeping upbeat music on will keep your mind stimulated.
  3. Keep active!   If possible take a ten minute walk to get your body going.  Just as before, it’ll stimulate your body and wake it up.  If you’re at work, take a walk down the hall on your lunch break.  Take the stairs instead! Stuck at school? Take the longer way in between classes, just don’t be late.
  4. Light:  Light inhibits the pineal glands production of melatonin – melatonin is the hormone that causes you to be sleepy.  Keep in a bright area, whether its natural or artificial light your body will feel more alert.
  5. Keep interested: Keep your brain going by switching between tasks if possible.  If you find yourself spacing out or going blank find something online that’ll tweak your interest a bit.  It’ll instantly wake you up and get you out of that fuzzy stage.